Key facts about PSF Switzerland

Founded in 1992 in Geneva, Pharmacists Without Borders Switzerland (PSF Switzerland) is a non-profit association, according to articles 60 and following of the Swiss Civil Code.

Since its creation, PSF Switzerland has been working to provide access to quality health care, everywhere and for everyone, without any discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion or gender. It endorses and adheres to the principles of equality between men and the universal right to live in dignity, as expressed in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted on 10 December 1948, including access to essential therapeutic care.

Medicine delivery and difficult access conditions, Tanzania, August 2018. © PSF Switzerland

Our projects


Since February 2022, PSF Switzerland has been helping people without resources in the Daoura, Bourj Hammoud and Baouchrieh neighbourhoods of Beirut.


PSF Switzerland supports 3 dispensaries and 2 hospitals who provide help to over 80,000 patients per year.
Collaboration with the University of Antananarivo for training.


PSF Switzerland  supports 2 hospitals and their dispensaries which serve a population of 500’000 inhabitants.

South Sudan

Support for the Saint Vincent Health Center
to cover the health needs of a population of 5000 inhabitants.


Through the national Platform for access to health care for undocumented migrants, support for 7 partners health care centres throughout the country.




Access to health care for everyone, everywhere, without discrimination of any kind.


To improve access to quality medicines for the most vulnerable populations, to exchange knowledge and to promote the rational use of medicines in the interest of public health.

Sustainable Development Goals

PSF Switzerland is committed to defending and promoting the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are supported by the Swiss Confederation as part of the United Nations’ global appeal. The association defends in particular:

No poverty

Annual reports :

2023 - A Year of Challenges that Strengthens Solidarity

2022 - A Dynamic Year

2021 - A Transitional Year

2020 – a Special and Unique Year

2019 – Beyond our Limits

2018 – Un nouvel élan (only in French)

2017 – Retour sur l’année écoulée (only in French)
