Attente devant l’hôpital de Lugala. Tanzanie, 2013. © PSF Suisse

Our current project for 2022-2024

Triennial project (2022-2024)


A report from the field and a new intervention district:

The aim of the project “Facilitating access to quality medicines in health facilities in Tanzania (2022 – 2024)” is to improve access to affordable, quality pharmaceutical services and products in the Morogoro region, more specifically in the districts of Malinyi and Ulanga. This project, which is an extension of those previously implemented in the country, has one notable innovation, namely the inclusion of the Ulanga district as a new area of intervention for PSF Switzerland.

The project is based on 4 main axes:


  • Financial support to Lugala Hospital and its dispensaries to ensure the availability of medicines
  • Technical support from our volunteers in the field: professionalisation of healthcare staff in the supported structures
  • Improving the infrastructure of health structures
  • Capacity-building for healthcare staff and community health workers in the Ulanga and Malinyi district

Pharmacy of Lugala Hospital. Tanzania, 2021. © PSF Switzerland

Parmi les actions mises en places, citons la distribution des masques « bec de canard », réutilisables, et ayant passé les test de qualité, à destination du personnel soignant. La pharmacienne volontaire sur place a également fabriqué la solution hydroalcoolique, selon la formule de l’OMS, et l’a distribué dans les centres de santé soutenus, mais aussi dans les hôpitaux Candide et Jean-Paul II.